Data Science as a Service

Advanced data and predictive analytics.

When you need insights into possible future outcomes Data Science as a Service is the answer. Our advanced data and predictive analytics service uses machine learning and artificial intelligence tools to create models that answer business questions and generate well founded predictions and action oriented recommendations to support decision making.

A broad range of practical data science applications that improve productivity, margins and cost positions.

  • Dynamic pricing enabling rapid response to changing market conditions.
  • Demand forecasting to support operations and commercial planning.
  • Customer retention analysis for assessing factors triggering defection and how to encourage loyalty.
  • Route planning and delivery scheduling increases productivity and customer satisfaction.
  • Contingency planning and corrective actions where delays and disruptions occur.
  • Asset lifecycle and replacement planning to minimise transportation and equipment downtimes.
  • Warehouse optimisation for optimal visibility and control of raw materials, spare parts and finished goods.

Technical architecture

Combining data management and data science expertise.

  • Professional and proven approach covering business requirements discovery, data acquisition, data mining, feature engineering, data cleaning, predictive modelling and data visualisation.
  • Full stack software expertise across a wide range of front end and back end systems, databases and tools.
  • Project methodologies adapted to suit your needs.
  • Platform of pre-built components plus front end features to shorten development time and cost.