Sales BI Casestudy - The Information Factory The Information Factory

The client’s sales organisation had numerous country based reporting systems, but there was little consistency between each report and limited ability to consolidate them regionally and globally. This made it extremely difficult for management to accurately benchmark performance.


We were tasked with designing and building a Sales business intelligence (BI) system that could work on a country, regional and global basis.


  • Automation and application of consistent business rules means that country Sales performance is measured against an agreed and standardised set of KPIs.
  • Harmonisation of regional sales processes. However, there is flexibility to allow for country specific KPIs.
  • Improved management capability to steer sales performance by providing a consolidated view of sales KPIs at every organisational level.
  • The system is now the main reporting enabler for the company’s sales improvement program and sales scorecard.

Technical specifications

• HW: VMWare Virtual Server

• OS: Windows Server, Red Hat Enterprise Linux

• DB: Teradata, MS SQL Server

• Middleware: IIS, ASP.NET

• Frontend: MS SQL Server Reporting Services, Excel, Cognos

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