Customer Portal Casestudy - The Information Factory The Information Factory

Customer Portal

The Information Factory provides data analytics & visualisation to support Panalpina’s global digitalisation project.

Panalpina launches industry leading customer portal

“The Information Factory were like-minded with us in how to use data and how to visualize data, how to make it more accessible to users, because not everyone is a data scientist! This was an area where The Information Factory gave us a real head start, in terms of hands and feet as well as really good ideas in helping us move forward.”

Ralf Morawietz, CIO, Panalpina Management Ltd

Panalpina recognised that they had significant paperwork requirements and manual processes within their organisation which impacted employees and, importantly, their customers. Panalpina wanted their approach to tackling the opportunities posed by the digital revolution to focus on more than internal processes and cost savings. So, they put the customer at the heart of their digitalisation strategy.


Panalpina needed an online system through which customers could manage their entire supply chain end-to-end, with all partners, in one digital place. The system was also required to shorten response times, offer multiple communication channels to customers & trading partners and drive down costs.


  • The Customer Portal provides a single customer view, enabling customers to efficiently manage their supply chain 24/7 & from any location.
  • The portal contains 5 key elements:
    • Plan: customers use Panalpina’s network and schedule data for their shipment planning.
    • Quote: instant quotes provision via smart algorithms, with transparent prices, provided by transport mode.
    • Book: online shipment booking based on the quote provided.
    • Track: full shipment visibility.
    • Analyze: customers filter & visualise all shipment data and build customised reports based on a ‘single view of the truth.’

The main focus of The Information Factory’s work was the Analyze component. Ralf Morawietz, Panalpina’s CIO stated the Analyze section of the portal was a key cooperation. “Panalpina is a very customer-centric freight forwarder that prides itself on being customer-focused, and we wanted to create a standard model within our portal to be used by everybody. The Information Factory helped us greatly with the visualization component of this portal, especially the programming execution.”


"Digitalization is the number one trend in logistics and our new customer portal is an industry game changer. Customers, partners and suppliers will increasingly expect to quote, buy, sell and deliver online using dedicated platforms and my priority is that Panalpina offers our customers an engaging, seamless digital experience."

Stefan Karlen, CEO Panalpina 2016 – 2019

Technical specifications

• IBM DB 2

• IBM WebSphere Application Server

• Java

• Bootstrap


• D3 Graphics library

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