Tender Operations Casestudy - The Information Factory The Information Factory

Tender Operations

The Information Factory solution operationalises contract & market trend data

Panalpina increase contract win rate with tender management benchmarking system

“We work with The Information Factory because of their data analytics & visualisation expertise, particularly when dealing with complex and varied data sources. And of course, their logistics industry experience. We needed to work with somebody who understood our business.”

Patrick Gueth, SVP, Global Head of Tender Management,

Panalpina Management Ltd

Panalpina collected and stored detailed information on their air freight customer tenders. This included prices, internal costs, service levels and margins. Market & competitor data was also obtained – so that individual tenders could be matched against market rates and historical trends.

While the quantity of information available was substantial, it took a lot of time to collect, the data was not integrated, analytics capabilities were limited and therefore the system was underutilised.


Panalpina specified four major requirements to The Information Factory:
1. Utilise the available data to improve the bid success rate.
2. Benchmark all tenders against market trends & commercial guidelines
3. Deliver an online system that could be updated quickly & easily by non-IT specialists
4. ‘Democratise’ the data by making it available to a wider range of users.


  • Clear overview on all tenders plus an ability to drill down into the specifics of each metric.
  • The online system has 10 main sections all automatically updated once new data becomes available.
  • Users can see how individual tenders change during the course of contract negotiations, how potential margins are being impacted as prices and costs change.
  • Visibility on how rates offered compare against the market and against historical trends.
  • Management summary dashboard so that senior executives can easily digest the main highlights of each contract negotiation.

The Panalpina Group is one of the world’s leading providers of supply chain solutions combining its core products – Air Freight, Ocean Freight, Logistics and Manufacturing – to deliver globally integrated, tailor-made end-to-end solutions. The group operates a global network with some 500 offices in around 70 countries, works with partner companies in another 100 countries and employs approximately 14,000 people worldwide.


Technical specifications

• IBM DB 2

• IBM WebSphere Application Server

• Java

• Angular JS

• Bootstrap


• D3 Graphics library

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